The world we long for can be real!

The world we long for can be real!

Dear Heaven Maker: Deep within us there is a longing, a yearning, for a world that works. We want the sufferings of the world: hunger, war, poverty, disease, ignorance, to once and for all END. Our Soul cries out, “The time has come. The time to make our deep heart’s...
It’s happening.

It’s happening.

Dear Heaven Maker: This past Thursday, Nov. 22, I entered this into Google: Heaven on Earth, 2017 and the total results were 134,000,000. I then entered Heaven on Earth, 2018 and the total results were 235,000,000. We’re not yet through the year and the results are up...

The expression of pure joy!

Dear Heaven Maker: Here’s what happens when two children from Eritrea, who have just emigrated to Canada, see snow for the first time. Joy, pure Joy. Enjoy,...

The flowering of Heaven on Earth

Dear Heaven Maker: This is part three of GP Walsh and my “riff” on Heaven on Earth. [Here are Part 1 and Part 2 of the interview with GP Walsh] We call this session: Pockets of Light We talk about: • Illuminating practical examples of Heaven on Earth projects all...

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