Dear Heaven Maker:Last Sunday my wife and I were busy working in the kitchen when suddenly this glorious piece of music began playing on the radio.We stopped doing what we were doing. We were transported into Heaven on Earth. IT’S SAMUEL BARBER’S ADAGIO FOR STRINGS....

A Rapper’s Take

Dear Heaven Maker: I’ve made a new friend who’s rap name is TheWynd. A mutual friend introduced us and TheWynd really loved the idea of Heaven on Earth. I knew he was a musician so I asked him if he would create a music video about Heaven on Earth. I also asked him to...

An old master

Dear Heaven Maker: I love seeing old masters, people who have spent decades perfecting their craft. It doesn’t matter what the arena is: painting, singing, dancing, poetry, prose, medicine, law…etc, etc. When I see such a person I’m in Heaven. I sense how much time...

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