Story Crisis

Dear Heaven Maker:

Gareth Higgins is a new friend of mine.

He’s an Irishman with a twinkle in his eye and a twinkle in his Soul.

An Irishman with a commitment to humanity and a unique and brilliant perspective on the world.

I was inspired by his quote and here’s why.

We’ve been telling ourselves a story that life isn’t working. We lurch from one crisis to the next. We think and feel that we’re powerless to effect any meaningful change.

What’s underneath all of this is a foundational story – “This is not Heaven on Earth and it can never be.”

Yet at the same time, a growing number of people all around the world are committed to and living from a new story, “This is Heaven on Earth and every day we experience and co-create more of it.”

Isn’t this a more empowering story? Isn’t this a story that calls out the best in people, that sparks our creative imagination, and unites us in the power we have to actually effect a positive change in our world.

How then do you begin this new story?

It’s so elegantly simple.

You declare it. You say it.

And then you go out every day and look for, and make more and more, circumstances that fit into this new story.

Heaven on Earth – the new story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be humanity.

Thank you for co-creating it.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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