Heaven on Earth from a Bermudian perspective

Heaven on Earth from a Bermudian perspective

To share this post by email, click here. Replacing your Keystone with a Cornerstone by Robin Trimingham Since writing about the concept of heaven on earth in my column a couple of weeks ago I have discovered that there is a whole network of people all over the globe...
Roses Years Later

Roses Years Later

To share this post by email, click here. Dear Diary: When I was 17, I visited my sister in Brooklyn. After that, I couldn’t wait to grow up and move to New York City. While I was visiting, my sister and I went out to dinner in Carroll Gardens. As we stood up to leave,...
Ending the climate crisis in one generation

Ending the climate crisis in one generation

To share this post by email, click here.> Dear Heaven Maker: One of the Gateways into Heaven on Earth is ending a suffering. Well-known environmentalist Paul Hawken has written a new book called Regeneration: Ending the climate crisis in one generation.  Paul...
Earth = Heaven [A Manifesto in English and Dutch]

Earth = Heaven [A Manifesto in English and Dutch]

To share this post by email, click here. EARTH = HEAVEN A Manifesto by Paul van SchaikRotterdam, The Netherlands Earth = Heaven (E=H) Earth = Heaven (E=H) is a spiritual movement empowering human consciousness. Going beyond religion, politics, and science, Earth =...

A New Industrial Revolution

To share this post by email, click here. Dear Heaven Maker: Please watch this 7-minute video of Sir David Attenborough speaking at the COP 26 Climate Conference. You’ll be inspired by his thinking, his vision, his commitment, and his challenge – beginning a New...

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