Was the ego a mistake? A video from Eckhart Tolle

Was the ego a mistake? A video from Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle gives one of the finest explanations I’ve heard of where we, humanity, are in the continuing unfoldment of our human story. The video begins with him being asked if the Universe made a mistake by having the ego. He answers with such beauty, grace and...

What Good is Looking at Suffering?

Dear Heaven Maker, One of the Gateways into Heaven on Earth is ending a suffering (hunger, war, poverty, illness, etc.). In order to do that we have to look the suffering right in the eye…we have to be present to it. Being present to a suffering opens the possibility...

The Scumbags of Heaven on Earth

Dear Heaven Maker, In Dutch, the word “schorem” means “scum” and generally refers to the lowest of the low, drug addicts, criminals and society’s misfits. Certainly, people who identify with this word would have nothing to do with Heaven on...

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