The Blog
An Angel Sings
Dear Heaven Maker:
Kathleen Battle is an opera singer who is simply transcendent in the aria, “Ombra Mai Fu.”
You don’t have to know what the song is about….just listen and watch….and you’ll be transported….directly into Heaven.
Thank you Kathleen.

When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together
Dear Heaven Maker:
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, the former leader of the Soviet Union, was a man who felt deeply the need to change the direction in which the world was heading.
He brought perestroika (restructuring) to his country. This was designed to resuscitate a sluggish economy. And with it, he also brought glasnost (openness) which encouraged liberalism and pluralism, after decades of censorship and official lies.
His reforms led to the end of Communist Party rule in his nation and the breakup of the former Soviet Union. The reforms also ended communism across much of central and eastern Europe.
In 1990, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
In this perceptive piece, he speaks about how we need to come together to solve the global problems that can only be solved by an effective ‘We.’

7 Questions to Accelerate Your Evolution
Dear Heaven Maker:
A couple of weeks ago I heard a talk by Jon Berghoff, founder of XCHANGE.
He spoke about group facilitation, and I was blown away by his brilliance, his experience, the distinctions he made, and his commitment to Humanity. It was the most advance content I’d ever heard on facilitation….and I’ve done a lot of group facilitation in my career.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe – ‘Didn’t it rain, children’
Dear Heaven Maker:
The year: 1964.
The place: A railway station in Britain.
The star: Sister Rosetta Tharpe
The song: “Didn’t it rain, children”
Here are some comments from people who’ve just watched this video:
• People don’t realize just how important and revolutionary this woman truly was. She was the first person ever to combine rock and roll with gospel, while also being one of the first to use guitar distortion.
• Sister Rosetta Tharpe is God’s angel of music. Anyone who gets to hear her even once is forever blessed.
• She is not playing music; SHE IS MUSIC being played through her. Absolutely magnificent and authentic.

Write down 3 things you’re grateful for right now!
Here’s an exercise for you to do this very minute.
Write down 3 things you’re grateful for right now.
They don’t have to be giant blessings. One might be the breath you’re taking at this moment. Just the fact that you’re breathing means that you possess the precious gift of life.
Having eyes to see … love in your heart … a roof over your head … a safe place to sleep …
Every moment of every day is filled with things we can be grateful for.
Volleyball in the Pouring Rain: A Mother & Son
Dear Heaven Maker:
My nephew sent me this video of his wife and son playing volleyball in the pouring rain.
What joy, what delight, what love.
It was a Heaven on Earth moment that I just had to share with you.
Uncle Martin
Here’s a Way to Bring Liberals and Conservatives Together
Dear Heaven Maker:
Are you frustrated by the constant arguing between the right and the left, between liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, or whatever the right-left split is in your nation?
I know I am.
It’s a divide that continues, with no end in sight – one side against the other – one side always right, the other side always wrong. Both sides playing the very same game, ”I’m right, you’re wrong.” The game is set up to never achieve satisfaction, peace, and harmony.
2 Super Simple Ways to Create More Heaven on Earth
Dear Heaven Maker:
There are so many negative things going in today’s world: pain, war, environmental decline, pandemics, etc.
I want to share two things with you that I’m doing that really help me step out of the negative thought forms.
No News until 5pm
One way I’ve lessened the impact of all of the negative news is to drastically cut down my news consumption.
I do ‘No News until 5pm.’ That means, no news, NO NEWS, on the internet, TV, radio, or newspapers, until 5pm.

Project Heaven on Earth, #1 new release in 7 different Amazon categories!
Dear Heaven Maker:
You did it.
Last week, Heaven makers from all over the globe made the Kindle version of Project Heaven on Earth the #1 New Release in the Health & Spirituality category on Amazon.
AND, the #1 release in all these other six categories:
#1 in Spiritual
#1 in Professional Growth
#1 in Health
#1 in Zen
#1 in Liberation
#1 in Eckankar
You Don’t Need to Believe It In Order to Achieve It
Dear Heaven Maker:
Many people believe that, in order to do something, you need to believe you can do it. They say, “In order for me to do X, I need to believe that I can do X.” Belief then is a prerequisite for accomplishment. But this is not necessarily true. Let me explain.
If you think you need to believe you can do something in order to do it, then you will only do those things you believe you can do. But what if you wanted to do something and believed you couldn’t do it? What if you wanted to end world hunger but didn’t believe you/we could do it? Aren’t we constantly seeing scenes of starving children on TV? Or, what if you wanted to end the war but didn’t believe you/we could? There have always been wars and there are wars now. Therefore, there will always be wars.
According to this operating assumption, you have to wait until you believe you can do something in order to do it. The result is that your time is spent either waiting for or trying to create the belief.