Dear Heaven Maker:

I recently did a very deep interview with Kathy Caprino on her podcast FINDING BRAVE.

I judge how good an interview I’ve done is by:

  • the depth and clarity of what I say,
  • observing that I’m saying something new that I’ve never said before, &
  • the level that the interviewer goes in their appreciation of Heaven on Earth.

I’m scoring this interview a 10/10 on all 3 criteria.

Here’s what Kathy wrote about our interview.

Enjoy the interview and pass it on to 1 or 2 people who you know would be interested.



If I were to ask you what you thought “Heaven on Earth” is, would you be able to say? Would you be able to articulate what Heaven on Earth would be for you personally?

Today’s guest has literally written the book on this topic, and he’s here to explore how we can understand the concept of Heaven on Earth as we each personally define it, and why that’s a critical endeavor to engage in.

Martin Rutte is an international speaker, management consultant, and President of Livelihood, a management consulting firm based in Santa Fe, NM. He has worked with such organizations as The World Bank, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Southern California Edison, Virgin Records, Esso Petroleum and London Life Insurance, helping them expand their outlook and position themselves for the future.

Martin was the first Canadian to address the Corporate Leadership & Ethics Forum of The Harvard Business School, returning for four consecutive years as keynote speaker. He is a co-author of the New York Times business bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, with over one million copies sold!

His newest book is  Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.
This interview really got me thinking. I hope you find it thought-provoking as well as we explore not only that Heaven on Earth (as you conceive of it) is possible, but there are actionable steps that each and every one of us can take now to contribute to that movement.

I particularly loved this quote from Martin:
“If I can help you discover what Heaven on Earth is within you and get you on the path simply and easily toward that, we’ve begun a massive transformation of the world.” – Martin Rutte

Highlights from this Episode:

I hope this discussion gets your juices flowing in terms of what Heaven on Earth is to you, and how you can move towards it beginning with one, easy step that could transform everything for you.

What Martin means by “Heaven on Earth” [3:21]
When the idea came to him and the one thought that started it all [6:01]
The 3 powerful questions Martin asks to help people discover Heaven on Earth and how they can get there [8:15]
Why this isn’t a religious conversation [12:15]
How he has discovered the power of “simple” and why we don’t need to overcomplicate things [14:56]
The 7 Heaven on Earth Gateways he shares in his book [20:11]
What to do when your idea of Heaven on Earth differs significantly from someone else’s [27:37]
Martin’s call to action and what he tells people who say they are too busy to contribute and serve [30:41]

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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