Dear Heaven Maker:

Joe Vitale is a coach, a speaker, and a very original thinker.

He calls his work ZERO LIMITS.

Think about that for a moment.

With a ZERO LIMITS mindset, it’s much easier to experience Heaven on Earth, and to make more and more of it real.

Joe recently interviewed me and I spoke with new clarity and a deeper commitment.

Joe connected with what Heaven on Earth is for him in a deep, emotional way that stopped me in my tracks.

It was a magical time for both of us.

Thank you Joe for being a Heaven Maker.

Here’s an outline of our interview.



4:19  Joe begins by asking, “When did you begin your juicy vision of Heaven on Earth?  What spawned it?”

6:30  Why do you think we have resistance to the phrase ‘Heaven on Earth’?

8:55  Did you meet with resistance when you began asking “What is Heaven on Earth for you”?

10:15  Joe answers the three Heaven on Earth questions in a very moving and emotional way.

13:59  The reason for the structure and order of the three Heaven on Earth questions.

17:53  How would you Martin answer the three Heaven on Earth questions for yourself, today?

20:23  With all the troubles in today’s world, people are feeling disgruntled, cynical, disbelieving, and wounded.
With the war, the pandemic, and, the economic turmoil going on, it doesn’t seem like this is Heaven on Earth in any way, shape, or form.  Why should we move in the direction of Heaven on Earth?
How do you respond to all the skepticism?

22:44  Heaven on Earth is a BOLD response to the turmoil in today’s world. What are some specific examples of what people are doing to create Heaven on Earth?

25:06   (I stop the interview and tell Joe that I’m very moved by what he’s saying and by the ‘magic’ that is present in the interview.  He says he’s feeling the very same way.)

26:09  Joe says, “I’m a great believer in building a new story.”  He shares how he moved from being homeless and a victim to the realization that he could have a different story and model a different behavior.

27:04  More inspiring stories of people being Heaven Makers and creating their own Heaven Making Projects:
+ A Penny a Day to Help End Violence Against Women.
+ Austria is a Heaven on Earth Nation.
+ Africa: A Heaven on Earth Continent.
+ A newspaper in Dehradun, India has on its masthead:  DEHRADUN: A HEAVEN ON EARTH CITY!
+ Prince Edward Island:  Canada’s First Heaven on Earth Province

31:35  How the Google results, by year, for “Heaven on Earth” are skyrocketing.

32:34  When an idea is introduced, it can be ridiculed….but, only by introducing the idea does it become a possibility.  The idea is necessary in order to create momentum.
Introduce the idea and take a tiny action.

34:00  What about those people who are skeptical about Heaven on Earth?  What about those people who say that tiny actions do not make any difference?  What do you do about them?

35:20  The inspiring example of a woman who is committed to ending homelessness through her Heaven on Project – ‘A Home for Everyone.’

38:49  “You don’t need to believe you can do something in order to do it.”

42:14  “Martin, do you believe it’s possible to have Heaven on Earth as most people imagine it?”

44:10  How do you stay focused on creating Heaven on Earth?
How do you maintain sanity and create Heaven on Earth while the gunshots are going off?
The seven Heaven on Earth Gateways.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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