Two simple things to help Ukraine

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Dear Heaven Maker:

As war rages on in Ukraine, how can you make a difference?

That’s the question I asked myself.

I’ve come up with two answers. My intention is that one or both inspire you to take action.

Together, we can make a significant difference.

What if every home and office put a Ukrainian flag in their window to show solidarity and support?

Since I’m currently in Canada, I thought, “Where are the most Ukrainians in Canada?” Answer: Winnipeg, Manitoba.

I wrote the following to Paul Samyn, Editor of The Winnipeg Free Press:

Dear Mr. Samyn:

I am asking the Free Press to publish a full page of the Ukrainian flag that people can hang in their windows at home or at work.

And, on the back of the page please list the organizations that people can donate to.

Let me know.


Martin Rutte

And…the Winnipeg Free Press did exactly that.

Action Item for you: Write or call your local newspaper today, using my words if you’d like, asking them to do the same.

My father was born in the Ukraine….so I have a tie to that country.

I read about the following idea and loved it. I went onto Airbnb and found a home near where he was born. I booked a week there at the earliest date available and paid for it in full.

I used ‘Google Translate’ to tell the owner that I was booking the place and I was not going to come and stay. I told him to use the money in any way he saw fit.

He wrote me back:

Good afternoon, thank you very much for your support and help, now in our city there are many people from cities where there is fighting, if you do not mind I will spend this money on people who now need help.

Thank you very much, may God protect you and your loved ones.

I wrote him back immediately and told him to use the money in any way he wanted.

I now feel a direct, warm connection, and friendship with him, and I feel I am directly helping people.

Action Item for you: Go to Airbnb and book a room/home in the Ukraine. Book it for the earliest available date. Book it at a price level and for a length of time that you’re comfortable with. Use ‘Google Translate’ to write the owner and tell them that you’re not coming to stay and to use the money any way they want.

These are two examples of direct action. Use either one, both, or come up with your own. The most important thing is to take action today!

Together we are making a difference.

We are giving the Ukrainian people our love, our support, our help. And, we are showing Putin that his action is intolerable and that the vast majority of humanity is against what he’s doing.

With love and thanks,

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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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