The Movement
Project Heaven on Earth
The New Story of What it Means to Be a Human,
and What it Means to Be Humanity
There is a desire, a longing, in each of us for a world that works. There is a yearning for the recurring problems of the planet like war, hunger, disease, hatred, senseless suffering, poverty and environmental degradation, not merely to get better, but to once and for all … end. We feel we want to do something, deep in our hearts, deep in our souls, which will actually take our planet to its next evolutionary level.
We know we have it within ourselves to tackle problems like these. We’ve ended smallpox. We’ve ended leprosy. We know the human spirit is capable of inventing nanotechnology, mapping the human genome, and creating augmented reality. We now have 3-D printing, we do full heart transplants, and we’ve seen what Pluto looks like up close.
At the heart of it, I believe what we want is a new story for the third millennium – one that inspires all of us, one that unleashes the fully creative, life-affirming, life nourishing potential of humanity.
The human story we’ve been living, so far, is based on separateness, on having others be different than us. It holds so much suffering, fear, and judgment. It has us believe that we are not able to make a true, profound, and lasting difference in having the kind of world we long for.
“The twentieth century will be chiefly remembered in future centuries not as an age of political conflict or technical inventions, but as an age in which human society dared to think of the welfare of the whole human race as a practical objective.”

Photo Credit: NASA
But, at this point in our collective evolution, this deeper desire for a new story for our planet is emerging. Why now? Because we have for the first time in our history a sense of the whole of humanity. This started with the famous photo of the “earthrise” from space, of the earth rising over the moon (pictured). This was the first time we saw our entire home planet as one. We were both physically out there in space looking back, and at the same time, we had the technology that allowed that picture to be beamed back to the entire world. The collective global, planetary consciousness had arrived.
Several years ago Oscar Motomura, the President of Amana-Key, a management training and development company in Sao Paulo, Brazil said, “With global air travel, the internet, and instantaneous global communications, the concept of Humanity is now tangible.”
Shortly after that, Rob Lehman, then president of The Fetzer Institute, asked, “What is the common work of Humanity?” I’d like to offer an answer:
Our common work is the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
As we enter the third millennium, our job is the conscious co-creation
of Humanity’s New Story – Heaven on Earth.
I believe it’s time for us to create a new model of existence, a new collective purpose for ourselves.
Ultimately, as my friend Richard Porter says, “It’s because Heaven on Earth is our destiny.”
Imagine for a moment what it would be like, what it would feel like, what it would look like, to really have Humanity, for the first time in its existence, act as one, expressing a common purpose and a common vision: We are Co-Creating Heaven on Earth.

Here’s an analogy: Imagine that you’ve just bought a new piece of software. You install it, open it, and you are immediately presented with a new set of possibilities and opportunities which never existed before. And then, you add your own unique content.
In the same way, Project Heaven on Earth opens up new possibilities into which you can put yourself, your unique contribution, your own special creativity. And, this piece of “software” is now available to everyone.
Look how many people are creating Heaven on Earth at this very moment!
Imagine knowing that people all over the world are involved in doing their part to create Heaven on Earth – a woman in Brazil, a man in France, a girl in Canada, an aboriginal in the US, a mother in Wales, a consultant in South Africa, a student in India – all doing their part with the express purpose of co-creating and experiencing more Heaven on Earth. You no longer have to imagine…because these people exist and they are doing exactly that. Heaven on Earth is much more than a good idea….it is actually happening.
I believe that you, that I, that the majority of people would want to join in and contribute their part to a project such as this. Each person an instrument, playing in this Grand Planetary Symphony – Project Heaven on Earth.
Naturally, there will be those who say Heaven on Earth is a ludicrous notion. It’s childish, a fantasy, beyond impossible, grandiose. It’s something we’ve never had in our entire history so what makes you think we can create it now? It could be considered blasphemous, arrogant, naïve. These are certainly valid concerns and their presence needs to be honored. In fact, it’s almost a golden rule of creation – the bigger the vision, the bigger the resistance and objections. The context of Project Heaven on Earth can and does include doubts, considerations and fears, and it continues moving forward. The energy of a planetary commitment to this common goal can and will, in the gentlest of ways, overcome the strongest of obstacles.
Many of us are aware that we have a life’s mission, a life’s purpose. But what we, as Humanity, haven’t consciously known and are now remembering, is that all of us also have a collective vision and a collective purpose. We have a Soul’s longing for our entire human family and our entire natural environment. We’ve just never before had the collective consciousness, technology, or aware interconnection to begin operating from it. We do now – Project Heaven on Earth.
What is Heaven?
We traditionally think of Heaven as a noun – the place where God and the Angels live. The Oxford English Dictionary also says that ‘Heaven’ was used as a transitive verb, that is: “To Heaven.” The dictionary defines the verb as:
“To make heavenly in character, to transport or transform in to heaven; also, to bless with heaven, beatify, render supremely happy.”
If we view Heaven as a verb we can go around heavening all day.
How can you begin co-creating Heaven on Earth right now?
There are many Gateways through which you can enter this important work. They’re suggestions to get your creativity flowing. You also can sign up for the Free E-Course, which includes 7 days of emails to get you started and weekly motivation and inspiration after that. Project Heaven on Earth Founder Martin Rutte has also written a book, Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily (available on Amazon worldwide). It contains all the wisdom you can find on this website, and beyond!