The Future of Story

Dear Heaven Maker:

I’ve talked and written a lot about story especially as it relates to Heaven on Earth.

I’m interested in our human story and how it’s possible to change our story from one of defeat and hopelessness to one of a planet working for everyone. Said another way, “Heaven on Earth is the new story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be Humanity.

I want to introduce you to Mary Alice Arthur, a woman committed to unleashing the full power of story to do good for humanity. In fact, she calls herself a Story Activist.

She’s worked with stories and storytelling for years. It’s her life’s work, her life’s commitment.

She and two colleagues held a deep conversation in which they looked at The Future of Story.

The first time I heard that phrase I didn’t understand what it meant?

What future?” I asked.

Mary Alice explains that the vehicle of story is undergoing a profound transformation, unleashing new powers that we’re beginning to appreciate.

In my interview with her she speaks about what a story is and how you unlock your ‘agency,’ your ability to have story take on these new powers.

She’s discovered three waves of story. We’re currently in the First Wave – Story as Influence. In our interview, she describes the First Wave and then goes on to detail waves Two and Three, which are just now entering into our culture. What she’s doing, as you’ll clearly see and hear, is describing the future of story.

She and her colleagues held the first Story the Future Summit, last year, with 75 speakers and 42 hours of content – an amazing dive into the depths of the world of story.

This year, starting tomorrow, January 21, and running for 3 weeks until February 10, she launches a new Summit entitled Story Making & Story Shaping in a Divided World.

Week 1 is devoted to My Personal Story. Week 2 focuses on Community & Engagement, and Week 3 explores Deep Transformation.

The Summit has two tracks. The first is a set of free interviews, one of which is with me. The second track consists of 6 workshops that you pay to attend.

More information at:

This will be a seminal event in the world of story and I urge you to attend, here.


There are parts of the interview where Mary Alice’s audio may be a bit low. Please turn up your volume to listen to her.  She’s soft-spoken and the ‘storytelling’ tips she’s sharing are ones you won’t want to miss.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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