Take just 37 seconds to do this exercise and the results will blow you away!!!

Dear Heaven Maker:

This very simple exercise will take no more than 37 seconds and it will blow your mind:

1. On a computer (this doesn’t work on a phone) go to Google and type in the phrase, “Heaven on Earth 2017.

2. Record the number of results you see ___________ 

3. Type in, “Heaven on Earth 2018” and record the number of results you see ___________ 

4. Type in, “Heaven on Earth 2019” and record the number of results you see for the year so far ___________ 

5. Notice something?

We are just 27 days into 2019 and …

already we’re at 103% of last of the total of all of last year. (I’m looking at these numbers on Saturday night. 2019 is 156,000,000 and 2018 was 151,000,000)

This is an unbelievable jump. In all the years I’ve been watching it’s never happened.

A physicist friend of mine calls it a ‘Phase Change.’ Imagine you have water at 33 degrees Fahrenheit and you continuously add more heat. The water goes from 33 all the way up to 211 and nothing appears to be happening. Then all of a sudden the water reaches 212 and BANG…it boils…and the water becomes steam.

That’s what I feel happened in the first 27 days of 2019…a Phase Change occurred with Heaven on Earth. We’ve progressed to the next level.

We’ve all been taking small steps toward Heaven on Earth, over and over again, and now look at the BIG RESULT we are producing.

I’ll say it again: We’ve reached 103% of all of last year in only 27 days.

What we’ve all been hoping for is actually happening and much, much faster than people, including me, thought possible. I was shocked for several days when I originally did this exercise. I didn’t believe it at first and I’ve been checking back day after day and the results are holding…and growing!!!

Please send this exercise to your friends, colleagues and family. Let them see what’s happening. Let them see that this new thought form, this new meme, is really entering the collective culture.

Let me know your reaction and their reaction.

To all of you, Thank You!, Thank You!, Thank You! for what you have contributed and continue to contribute to make this happen.

Heaven on Earth has moved from a good idea, to a possibility, to now, an emerging reality.

And as this momentum continues growing, watch for new expressions of Heaven on Earth to show up.

New opportunities and possibilities are now opening up which will lead to the kind of world we deeply long for. Watch and see.


Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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