The STABLE method to Heaven on Earth

Dear Heaven Maker:

‘Victim’ to ‘Victory’ is always an inspiring story.

My interview this week is with April Michelle Lewis, author of STABLE: The Keys to Heaven on Earth.

April had hit rock bottom after a painful divorce. Her prospects for the future were dim. She lived in increasing darkness and despair.

One day she realized that no matter where she was in life she still had the power of choice. She could continue as she was OR she could change the direction of her life. She could live in increasing darkness OR she could move into the Light.

She chose the Light.

She read widely…all kinds of spiritual and self-development books. What interested her most was the area of Near Death Experiences –– the reports and research of those who had crossed over to Heaven and then returned to tell the world. And, more importantly, for April, was how to make that heavenly experience real — Heaven here on Earth!

All of April’s reading and inner work culminated in a framework she calls STABLE. In our interview she explains STABLE along with her Soul’s Commitment to World Peace.

I hope you’ll be as impacted as I was by this Soul’s Being.


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I’ve done lots of interviews. 

I love it when an interviewer pulls out something new from me.  

Stu Schaefer does just that here.  

I also talk, for the first time publicly, about my new work on ‘Paradise’.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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