Shelly Lefkoe is a co-founder and Vice President of Lefkoe Institute, a San Francisco Bay Area firm whose mission is “To significantly improve the quality of life on the planet by having people recreate their lives and live as the unlimited possibilities they are.”
Shelly has had the privilege of helping thousands of clients worldwide rid themselves of a wide variety of problems including phobias, relationships that never seem to work, violence, procrastination, unwillingness to confront people, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and sexual dysfunction. Her clients have been able to eliminate emotional patterns such as fear, hostility, shyness, anxiety, depression, worry about what people think of them, and a negative sense of themselves. This work has made her an expert on how to raise healthy, successful children who are free of limiting beliefs.
Her personal vision is to transform the way people parent. She believes that if we raise a conscious generation of children, violence will end, people will treat each other with respect and dignity, and life on this planet will be better for everyone.
Shelly is the author of “Parenting the Lefkoe Way,” a seven-CD guide to effective parenting, and coauthor of The Chicken Soup for the Soul Guide to Effective Parenting. This book empowers parents—through their interactions with their children—to help those children form positive, rather than negative, beliefs about themselves, people and life.
Shelly is a frequent keynote speaker and leads workshops for parents and teachers, as well as workshops that train participants to use the Lefkoe Method. She also addresses corporate audiences on “How Our Beliefs Limit Our Lives.”