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Dear Heaven Maker:
From Hell to Heaven: 16 Lessons & Blessings to Inspire Your Journey Beyond Recovery is the story of a very courageous woman, Linda L. Fischer.
Her addiction began at 12 when she started using alcohol to feel ‘normal’ and numb her pain. At 17 she began using opiates and other drugs, often going missing for multiple days at a time. She found herself at the threshold between life and death multiple times.
One day, at 25, while working in a pharmacy where she could steal pills, she began feeling she was hitting rock bottom. By this time, she’d been in and out of psych wards, outpatient drug therapy, and lived through two suicide attempts. When the easy pill popping that morning was not possible, something inside her said, “Make a phone call,” to a drug counseling center. “By mistake” she dialed the wrong number and someone from Alcoholics Anonymous answered. She’d never heard of AA but for some reason she stayed on the phone. The woman on the phone invited her to leave her number promising that someone from the program would call her back. She left her number, someone did return her call, and took her to her first meeting. Her life began changing.
In our conversation, Linda takes us through her experience of addiction and her journey to wholeness, what she calls “Beyond Recovery.”
With Linda you will:
- experience the power of choice at the threshold of death
- feel the intensity of emotions rather than numbing them
- find your essence underneath your familial and cultural conditioning
- learn to shift your perception from outside-in to inside-out (awareness, intuition, and Spirit)
- re-evaluate the American Dream
- relax into the grace that is always at play in our lives
- reframe life’s struggles as gifts to learn and grow from
- deepen your understanding of the science of addiction
- witness the depth of forgiving yoursef and others
- embrace your humanness
- experience hope for what is possible, beyond recovery
Linda’s memoir is gut-wrenching and Soul-baring. It takes you on her journey from hell to heaven. Whether you suffer from addiction or know someone who does, there’s wisdom here for everyone. Linda’s book offers insight, hope, and a way of reframing your life lessons into blessings. Get your copy at

Linda exhibits the strength, determination and Light of a true Heaven Maker.
Thank you, Linda.
PS: I do know there are some parts of the video where the connection isn’t good. Because Linda lives in rural New Mexico, we had the same issue twice while doing an interview. I ask you to listen deeply to her and disregard the couple of times when the video slows down… the content is so worth your attention.