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Dear Heaven Maker:
Fran Charlton posted a video of herself on the We Heaven Makers Facebook page. She spoke about how it was time to acknowledge and let her full greatness be seen by the world, and she invited those watching to do the same. It was raw, real, and authentic. Deeply Soul-FULL.
I wanted to see more and asked if she’d be interested in doing a video about Heaven on Earth. She agreed.
She’d been sexually abused at a younger age by a spiritual teacher. She knew she had to free herself from her past in order to fully step into her future. And, she knew she had to address this with her former teacher.
She called him. He’s now 90. They talked … and they talked. This is the video she made after that conversation. It blew me away.
Fran has earned a 4th degree Karate black belt and is also a coach. Fifteen years ago, she and her husband moved to Sweden from Britain to begin an organic honey business. Without a doubt, Fran is an inspiring expression of a full feminine Heaven Maker. Watch her. Be inspired.
Thank you Fran for being a Heaven Maker!
PS: You can see Fran’s coaching work here:
and, you can contact her directly at:

My latest Heaven on Earth podcast interview is on Thriveology.