The Blog
Moving from 'Either/Or' to 'Both/And'
One sad effect of COVID-19 has been the necessary physical distancing that’s required.
I saw my brother-in-law recently for the first time in six months and we couldn’t hug. All we could do was talk to each other through a closed window. It broke my heart. We had to do this because my wife and I had to self-isolate for 2 weeks when we arrived in Canada.
COVID-19 prevents us, for good reason, from hugging and kissing our families, loved ones, and dear friends.
Reality… what a concept!
Sometimes people do something so extraordinary, so out of the box, so original and creative, that you’re astounded – it’s a Heaven on Earth experience.
Watch this video a couple of times…it’s unreal…literally!
How to repay our Mothers
Thank you for bringing us into the world.
Thank you for nurturing us with your on-going love.
Thank you for continuing to love us even when we gave you reasons not to.
Thank you for caring for us 25 hours a day, 8 days a week.
My favorite opera pieces
Dear Heaven Maker:
We’re all spending more time at home. And if you’re like my wife and I, our TV and movie watching has skyrocketed.
We’re also spending our time listening to and watching a passion of ours…opera.
If you’re saying “I hate opera,” let me tell you a story.
The STABLE method to Heaven on Earth
Dear Heaven Maker:
‘Victim’ to ‘Victory’ is always an inspiring story.
My interview this week is with April Michelle Lewis, author of STABLE: The Keys to Heaven on Earth.
April had hit rock bottom after a painful divorce. Her prospects for the future were dim. She lived in increasing darkness and despair.
One day she realized that no matter where she was in life she still had the power of choice. She could continue as she was OR she could change the direction of her life. She could live in increasing darkness OR she could move into the Light.
Love in Action
Dear Heaven Makers:
There have been so many reports of the creativity and love that people all over the world are expressing at this time.
People are putting teddy bears in their windows and banging pots and pans at the same time every night to honor front line health workers. People sing from their balconies. I’ve also heard of children making rainbows and putting them in the front windows of their houses for everyone to see.
Three observations on the current situation
Dear Heaven Maker:
Like you, I’ve been reflecting and thinking about what’s going on in our world at this time.
Three observations have become clearer to me.
3 R’s for our Time
In my early forties I ran a successful business in Toronto. I gave trainings, consulted to companies, and did keynote talks.
I was happy in my business. I was happy in my marriage.
And then, out of nowhere, my Soul spoke up and said: “No. This is not the direction your life should be taking now.”
I argued, “But look…everything on the outside is good. It’s really good….my work, my relationship.”
My Soul responded, “That’s fine but I’m not happy. You have to pay attention to me…!”
ONE Human Family
Throughout human history, civilizations and empires have failed – the Romans, the Aztecs, the British Empire.
And, as yet, we haven’t figured out how to ensure that doesn’t happen again.
Thoughts on corona…
Dear Heaven Maker:
I’ve been thinking a lot about the current corona situation and here’s what I’d like to say about it.