The Blog

Business as an Agent of Heaven on Earth!
Dear Heaven Maker:
“Businesses and their leaders ultimately create hell or heaven for human beings,” says Royston G. King.
King is a Forbes magazine ’30 under 30.’ He is a multi-millionaire, an award-winning serial entrepreneur, a multiple best-selling author, a celebrity social media personality, and among the world’s preeminent philanthropists. He is an advisor to celebrities, billionaires, royal family brands, publicly-listed companies, and New York Times best-selling authors.
He sums up his philosophy in two sentences:
The Body of 9
Dear Heaven Maker:
Personality identification systems, like Myer’s Briggs and the Enneagram, help you better understand who you are and what your strengths and skills are.
‘Body of 9’ is also a personality system but with a difference. It’s body-based. The shape, tone, and energy of your body tells you which of the nine “types” you are.
Body of 9 enables you to consciously develop and use the wisdom, strength and power that is embedded in your body.

What does Artificial Intelligence say about Heaven?
Dear Martin:
I’ve just read a book called: What Makes Us Human?: An Artificial Intelligence Answers Life’s
Biggest Questions.
570GB of data was uploaded to the AI program GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), including all
the primary religious and philosophical texts like The Torah, The Bible, The Tao Te Ching, and other
material ranging from Victor Frankle’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ to the lyrics of Leonard Cohen.
Max dances Miles!
Dear Heaven Maker:
I have two dear friends who recently welcomed their first child, Max, to our world.
Both parents are very accomplished piano soloists and teachers.
They sent me this video of Max ‘dancing’ to Miles Davis and I just had to share it with you.
I can’t wait to see how Max continues expressing his inherited musical abilities.
Max, thank you for being a Heaven Maker.
Uncle Martin
A Meditation on Beauty
Dear Heaven Maker:
This exquisitely beautiful choral piece, Miserere, was composed by Italian Gregorio Allegri around 1638.
Originally performed in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel, it was only heard during two services in Holy Week each year.
It is written for two small choirs, singing alternately, who then join together for the ending.
The score was a closely held church secret and transcribing it was forbidden. That is, until a 14 year old Mozart visited Rome and attended the first service of Holy Week. He heard the song once and wrote it down that evening from memory. Then he attended the second service later in the week to correct any errors.
Some time during his travels, Mozart met the British historian Charles Burney, who obtained the piece from him and took it to London, where it was published in 1771.
Every time I listen to it I am transported into Heaven here on Earth.

There’s a thread you follow
“There’s a thread you follow.
It goes among things that change.
But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.”
~The Way It Is, poem by William Stafford
Sting Talks Heaven on Earth
Dear Heaven Maker:
I love what Sting says about Heaven on Earth.

Ten New Commandments for The Modern Age
Dear Heaven Maker:
I grew up in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where Rabbi Bernard Baskin was the spiritual leader of Temple Anshe Sholom synagogue.
He was Rabbi there for 40 years.
I remember him as erudite, clear, and deeply thoughtful.
You Were Born To Be Seen!
Dear Heaven Maker:
Are you afraid to say what you feel, think, or believe? Do you withhold expressing the fullness of your Being because you’re afraid of being ridiculed, punished, or excluded? Do you feel you have to hide your deepest dreams and desires, or cover them with doubt, insecurity, old experiences, and fears?
Cynthia James knows this because that was her experience, but she didn’t stop there.

The Art of Teshuvah: Repentance
Teshuvah is the foundational practice of the [Jewish] High Holy Day season. Literally translated as “return,” teshuvah is a process of turning away from those ways in which we missed the mark so we may come back into right relationship with others, with the Divine and with ourselves.
Whether through carelessness, egotism or laziness, teshuvah challenges us to admit our transgressions, make amends, and resolve to do better in the coming year. Yet according to the great Hasidic master Rabbi Kalonymous Kalman Shapira, teshuvah is also a kind of creativity. More than a simple return to what has been, it is a process of remaking ourselves anew. But how?