Arielle Ford has mastered the art of making things happen. A nationally recognized publicist and marketing expert, producer, author and consultant she has catapulted many authors and celebrities to stardom and enormously facilitated the rapid growth of the self-help and human potential movement in the US.
As the former president and founder of The Ford Group, a successful public relations and marketing firm, she helped launch the careers of Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen creators of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Neale Donald Walsch author of Conversations With God. She has also handled publicity for myriad best-selling authors including; Wayne Dyer, Dean Ornish, Debbie Ford, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, don Miguel Ruiz, Kenny Loggins and many other notable authors, 11 of whom became #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.
As one of the nation’s leading book publicists Arielle compiled her knowledge and expertise in the industry to create a 25 audio CD and resource guide, Everything You Should Know About Publishing, Publicity and Building a Platform, It is a favorite among first-time authors and has received rave reviews.
Arielle is also the author of seven books herself, including the popular Hot Chocolate For The Mystical Soul series. Her latest book, The Soulmate Secret: How To Manifest The Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction, is being released in January 2009 by Harper One.
As one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to movies about love and compassion, Arielle created unique marketing and affiliate strategies that added to the success of the company, which was bought by Gaiam in 2006.
Arielle is also the co-producer of Deepak Chopra’s Happiness Prescription, a new PBS pledge show that aired nationally in March 2008.
She lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband and soulmate Brian Hilliard. In her spare time she raises money for, reads historical thrillers, loves traveling to India and exotic locales and truly believes there is enough love in the world for everyone.
Arielle Ford