ONE Human Family

Dear Heaven Maker:

Throughout human history, civilizations and empires have failed – the Romans, the Aztecs, the British Empire.

Now we’re faced with a threat, the corona virus, that doesn’t affect just one nation, it affects all nations. We’re no longer geographically separate, we are one single global civilization. Today, failure means something different than it’s ever meant before.

We are one world. None of us can succeed unless all of us succeed. The corona virus joins the nuclear weapons threat and the climate crisis in threatening civilization’s very existence.

I believe that we, humanity, are at an inflection point in our evolution.

Now is the time to change our human story from one that is largely a self-centered, greed-filled, life-destroying unconsciousness to a human story of care-filled cooperation for our one human family. This new story is life affirming, life nurturing, and life sustaining.

Let’s begin by considering what it means for each of us to be both a human and humanity.

Have you noticed the examples of human values that are visibly emerging globally – bravery, compassion, creativity, selflessness, love, humor and wisdom? We are living from our best selves. We are exhibiting a story that’s always been there, hidden, which is now bursting forth and blossoming.

Corona has made us feel and know that we are one human family. Nations are co-operating with each other as never before. Our idea of One Human Family which was once theoretical is now experiential. Italy is not separate from the world, Britain is not separate from the world, China is not separate from the world. We are one!

We are at an exciting turning point in our collective evolution. We’ve begun living our new human story.

Every time you choose a positive action, a positive thought, it’s a direct contribution to us all.

Let your dream for our world, your heart’s desire, guide your actions.

Thank you,



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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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