The Heaven on Earth Gateways
Here are some Gateways through which you can participate in helping experience and co-create Heaven on Earth.
They’re suggestions to get your creativity flowing, entryways, action-service portals.
They’re not the only ones. You may have a unique way not listed here. If so – great!
What’s most important is to just begin.
Click on the image that most interests you to learn more about using this Gateway to co-create Heaven on Earth in your life, your work and our world.
The Opportunities for Contribution Are Endless
The Gateways into Heaven on Earth are as endless and varied as the citizens of our planet. Your contribution to Heaven on Earth and what you’ll do to make it come more alive is up to you. By doing your part, knowing that others all around the world are also doing their part, a feeling of momentum and energy begins building and building. It gives you hope. It gives you energy, strength, and the courage to keep going.
Heaven on Earth is our opportunity to create, together, a new and wonderful story of what it means to be human and what it means to be Humanity.