My name is Martin Rutte. I’m a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work and founder of Project Heaven on Earth. In the video below you’ll discover how the idea of Heaven on Earth came to me. Then I’ll reveal the three essential questions you can ask yourself to help you discover what Heaven on Earth is for you and how to begin taking the small, easy steps to making that real. The three questions will re-ignite your connection to how you can change your life and the world for the better.
Please watch the video and if you’d like to go deeper join our free e-mail course One Week to Simply Begin Creating Heaven on Earth. You’ll get a different lesson every day for 7 days. You’ll discover the different Gateways into Heaven on Earth and see which one is right for you. You’ll find out how to dissolve the traditional roadblocks that sometimes emerge when people think of creating Heaven on Earth. And, finally, you’ll see the unique contribution that only you can make toward establishing Heaven on Earth.
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“Deep in our souls, don’t we all want Heaven on Earth?
Now is the time for us to be deliberate creators of the kind of world we long for. We don’t have to take huge leaps to create this; we just have to take baby steps every day and keep on taking them. Martin Rutte is the Heaven on Earth visionary and coach helping us in this worthy mission.”