Singing together as one…

Dear Heaven Maker:

“On June 14th, 2018, in honor of the historical visit to Israel by Indonesia’s religious leader Sheikh Haji Yahya Cholil Staquf, Koolulam invited 1000 people who had never met before to a special event at the Tower of David in Jerusalem to sing one song in three languages and in three-part vocal harmony.

“Koolulam is a social-musical initiative, centered around mass singing events, attended by non-professionals, promoting the idea that musical harmony can inspire harmony in humanity.

“Koolulam was established with the goal of bringing together people from all walks of life by means of a collaborative musical creation. In each event, a new rendition of a well-known song is taught to participants and is immediately thereafter performed.”

I was so very moved by seeing Jews, Muslims and Christians singing together in harmony.

A Heaven on Earth time for the Middle East.


Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

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