How a Used Car Salesman Creates Heaven on Earth

How You Can contribute to Heaven on Earth

(Guest Column by Darwin Gillett)

Have you ever thought of helping to create Heaven on Earth? One of my colleagues, Martin Rutte, has started a project, called Project Heaven on Earth. He’s written a book about it too.

People are doing this all over, right in front of our noses. And, unless we see with “new eyes”, we’ll miss it happening.

Here’s one simple example I ran into today. I was shopping with my wife for a used car. We went to a dealership we had gone to several years ago. In that earlier encounter, we had brought with us a real “clunker” – a used car which we had bought directly from someone. Its price was “too good to be true” – as they say – and so it broke down the same day we bought it.

The used car dealer accepted it in as a down payment on a car we bought from him. He said, then, that he could sell it for parts.

In the process today of buying another used car from this dealer, I reminded him of that clunker and how he had kindly taken it in – and had told me he could recover his costs by selling it as parts.

His response revealed a Heaven on Earth project right in front of my eyes.

He said, “Yeah. I remember that. That may have been one of the cars I restored – and then gave to a struggling family who needed a car but couldn’t afford one.”

Amazed (after all, “used car salesman” is the least trusted profession in the country beating out business executives for last place. BTW: Nurses are the most trusted), I asked him how often he did that, “About 3-4 times a year”, he replied.

He then told me that he doesn’t advertise this and only does it for people who truly need this help and are grateful, but not to the many others who just want to get away with this or who think they deserve hand-outs from others.

How many angels of mercy travel among us disguised as “mere” whatever – used car salesmen?

Do you make this kind of contribution to Heaven on Earth? It might feed your soul if you did!

Best wishes

Darwin Gillett


Darwin is a business author and international speaker on strategies that draw forth the vast reservoir of human talent and spirit – to build competitive advantage and sustainable success.  I’ve known him for years and I have respect for him as a person and as an author, speaker and consultant.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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