A ‘riff’ on Heaven on Earth with spiritual teacher GP Walsh and I

Dear Heaven Maker:

I was going to be interviewed by spiritual teacher, GP Walsh…at least I thought I was.

Normally, in an interview I’m asked a series of questions and I answer them.

That’s how I came into my ‘interview’ with GP…but that’s not how it ended up.

He asked me a question, I responded, and then he responded and it evolved into a kind of jazz riff.

Here’s a definition of a riff that I really like:
A riff is thematic. It serves as the main musical idea for a (section of a) song. Often it’s repeated and developed, sometimes with variations, sometimes in different keys, but always recognizable as the same main musical idea.

That’s what GP and I did. We ‘riffed’ on Heaven on Earth. We both discovered as we played.

I’m sharing this interview with you in three installments. This will give you a chance to watch a section, reflect on it for a couple of days, and then do the same for Parts Two and Three.

Part One is today; Part Two will come to you this Wednesday; and Part Three will come to you next Sunday

Part 1, Today:

Three Simple Questions

Part 2, this Wednesday:

Is Heaven Here or There?

Part 3, next Sunday:

Pockets of Light


Please share this with one or two others. Expand the number of people around you who are also experiencing and co-creating Heaven on Earth.



Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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