It’s your turn…

Dear Heaven Maker:

My friend Loring sent me an e-mail with the Subject:

“Tea Ceremony is the creation of heaven on earth…especially in New York City.”

That’s all he said.

Along with his note came a link to this video.

I watched the video and was mesmerized by what Stephen Globus has created.

For me, he so clearly wanted to create a Heaven on Earth space and experience for others.

Watch and be transported.

And it also got me thinking. One way to view Heaven on Earth is for you to wait for Heaven on Earth experiences to come into your life…which they do. Another way is for you to create a Heaven on Earth experience for others and yourself.

Action Step:
Create a Heaven on Earth experience for someone(s) else this week?

Let me know what that is.



Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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