I believe in Santa…

Guest Poem by Mark Belfry

Dear Santa,

I believe in Santa Claus.
I’ve seen his work,
Christmas after Christmas;

I’ve even carried his bag, slipping down
Chimney-like moments of magic,
The ‘Oh, there it is!’ of the wish become.

I believe in a Santa Claus of numinous spirit
Because of the impossible magic of millions & millions
Laying aside their fears of shared failure

For a momentary taste of true spirit,
A breath of the greater breath
Of the what we are.

I believe in Santa Claus,
O fellow, puzzled, resilient ones,
For I believe in us.

Mark Belfry is an author of 2 wonderful books, The Suncaster & The Sunwhere Sun.  More here.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

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