Dear Heaven Maker:
Shelly Lefkoe is passionate about two things.
First is helping people create joyful and free lives by helping them eliminate the beliefs that keep them stuck.
Second is transforming the way people parent on this planet.
Her vision is to have parents discover that self-esteem (the experience of being able and worthy) and a positive attitude toward life are the key to their children’s happiness and success. She believes that if we raise a conscious generation of children, violence will end, people will treat each other with respect and dignity, and life on our planet will be better in all respects. (For me, that’s Heaven on Earth for Parenting.)
Shelly is co-founder and President of the Lefkoe Institute, and the founder and President of Empowering a New Generation.
She’s been a keynote speaker and workshop leader to many parenting and teachers groups and leads workshops that train people to use The Lefkoe Method which eliminates negative beliefs powerfully and quickly.
She’s studied the beliefs we have around parenting and has developed a full course, Parenting the Lefkoe Way, here.
I recently asked her what Heaven on Earth for parenting is and this video is her answer.
What’s Heaven on Earth for parenting for you?