“That was like Heaven in my ears."

Dear Heaven Maker:

You know how much I love opera.

I didn’t know much about it all until my wife, a former opera singer, introduced me to it.

The GREATEST opera tenor (male) I’ve ever seen is Luciano Pavarotti.

My wife and I saw him live at the beginning of his career and then again towards the end of his career.

Both times we were transported directly into Heaven.

A dear friend, Barbara, sent me this video of Luciano singing one of his most well known arias (songs) Nessun Dorma.

What makes the video so mesmerizing is the young man watching and hearing Luciano for the very first time.

This young man, by his own admission, had a very tough start in life.

Watch this video.

As he is transported into heaven, you will also be.


For a complete list of MY FAVORITE OPERA PIECES, click here.

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PS: Here’s my latest interview, with Greg Voisen of ‘Inside Personal Growth.’. He was, without doubt, the most prepared person I’ve ever been interviewed by. He got my book, Project Heaven on Earth, he read it, and his questions were precise and wise. I think you’ll really enjoy this.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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