Dear Heaven Maker:

Heaven on Earth has reached a new level of maturity.

I say that because in this recent interview you’ll see how Joel Roberts, who’s interviewing me, expresses his initial skepticism about the idea of Heaven on Earth.  Over the course of the interview he begins shifting his view from skepticism to possibility….to the realization that Heaven on Earth might just be something of value to humanity.

For me, the fact that skepticism is arising indicates people are taking the idea of Heaven on Earth more seriously and are beginning to engage with it.

In sociology there is a theory called ‘Diffusion of Ideas.’  It talks about how when an idea comes into popular culture there is a certain group of people who instantly ‘get’ it and are on-board with it.  They’re called ‘The Innovators.’

Then there are the next group of people, the ‘Early Adopters’, who have heard the idea enough in popular culture and see the value of it enough that they too engage with it.

I think ‘scepticism’ is part of what the Early Adopters initially deal with – they’re examining the idea critically for themselves – and when they ’see’ or ‘feel’ that there is enough value for them there…they engage. I’d love to get you comments on the interview and on my thoughts about how scepticism of a new idea is part of its adoption by a certain group of people.



Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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