A Heaven on Earth definition of Success

Dear Heaven Maker:

Have you ever found yourself on the ‘success train’ and realized it wasn’t yours, or you’ve gotten to the top and an ache in your heart knew something was missing.

Gale West’s commitment is to shift the very definition of success to one that is soul nourishing, and life enhancing.
It’s a definition that invites a celebration of your unique gifts in the marketplace, allows your magnificence to shine and has money be an agent for good.

This is why I am excited to join 14 other nationally and internationally known experts on the Success with Soul Summit.

Our mission is to create a new vision of success that will feed our individual and collective souls and help co-create an atmosphere of collaboration and generosity in our world.Let me say that last part again…..to help co-create an atmosphere of collaboration and generosity in our world.

Now, more than ever, I believe this conversation is an urgent one we need to have.

I invite you to join me on the Success with Soul Summit as I share how Heaven on Earth is the new definition of the success we long for.
The Summit is free and could be life changing.

Join me now, just click here.

See you there,

P.S. You will be inspired!

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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