What Happens When You Suspend Limitations

Over the years of speaking and engaging with people about Heaven on Earth, I’ve noticed that certain mis-beliefs, mis-conceptions and roadblocks sometimes arise as people initially engage with the idea. (I’m devoting an entire chapter in my book on this.)

Many times when people consider accomplishing a BIG objective a roadblock(s) will arise.

You, or someone you speak to about Heaven on Earth, might experience one of these:
• People will think I’m crazy, that I’ve gone off the deep end. I’ll be laughed at.
• I can only change what I can change and I know I can’t change the world.
• I’d be embarrassed to talk about it.
• You can only have Heaven after you die. What makes you think we can create it now?
• I don’t know how to do it.
• If the world were perfect, there would be nothing left to do. We’d be bored.
• I have enough problems in my life to handle before I start taking on the world.
• I don’t have any real power or authority.
• It’s idealistic. It’s naïve.
• I can’t make a difference/what difference can I make?
• Creating Heaven on Earth is so overwhelming.

One of the mis-beliefs underlying all these roadblocks is: ‘I don’t believe Heaven on Earth is possible. It’s impossible.’

I recently read a powerful article by Jeff Carreira in which he writes about our not really knowing what is possible. I was so impressed with his idea that I decided to make it this week’s blog. He calls his idea ’The Experience of Suspended Limitation.’
Please read his article below and see how it applies to any limitation you may think/feel you have for yourself, for life, for the world, and most importantly for Heaven on Earth.

(I think Jeff’s work is original and innovative. He writes a blog which I highly recommend you sign up for…it’s free…click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page.)



The experience of spiritual freedom is a condition of suspended limitation. I remember a very profound moment in my life when I realized that I didn’t really know what was possible. Stop and think about that for a minute. What if you really didn’t know what was possible?

The moment of this realization was a quiet one. I was outside looking up at a beautiful blue sky and I just realized that I really didn’t know what was possible. In that moment I could see that my ordinary experience of reality was surrounded by a sense of limitation – an unspoken invisible assumption that some things were possible and others were not and I knew the difference.
I could be this kind of person and not that kind of person. My acquaintances could act in certain ways but would never act in others. The world is this way and never that way. Some things are possible and others are not and I know the difference.
When that invisible assumption of limitation fell away I was overcome by a sense of awe and wonder. It wasn’t a discovery of what was possible. It was simply the realization that I didn’t know what was possible and that meant that anything was possible.

If you slip into a state of suspended limitation you will feel dizzy with possibility.

You will see that the ideas of what is and what is not possible have always been only ideas and can’t necessarily be trusted. You will realize that it is you that either holds these ideas as true or realizes that you don’t know what is possible.

As magnificent as this recognition can be for an individual – it is a thousand times more extraordinary if it is shared with others. If a number of people manage to drop false ideas of limitation together something truly miraculous occurs. You become wedded in a direct recognition that none of you knows what is possible for yourselves, for each other, or for the world.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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