From the Head to the Heart…a story

Dear Heaven Maker:

Dr. Lise Janelle is a healer, a magical healer.

She sent me this note recently about a session she’d done with a family and my eyes welled up when I read it.

I just knew I had to share it with you.


Dr Lise Janelle D.C. PCC

Human Potential Expert 

Founder of the Centre For Heart Living & Global Heart Living Movement

Last month I had a breakthrough session with a beautiful family of four that I’ve been coaching for several years.   They are so actively involved in living their most fulfilling, successful, lives. I love them. They are so inspiring. 
Their son, however, in his early 30’s, had been a challenge.  He has schizophrenia and is still living at home. Three of the family members were actively involved in their transformation and having amazing results, but they felt bad, like they were leaving him behind, because of the progress they were making. 
I supported the family in finding ways to cope with and dissolve their fears about his future.  This also started to positively impact his behaviour – he was shifting through their shift.

I believe that the energy of a family unit impacts everyone.  Because they were now actively involved in their own transformation, it contributed to his transformation, but he also had to shift himself. 
I recommended that he change his diet to wholesome fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed food.  He went to see a naturopath who specializes in schizophrenia.  He started taking supplements tailored to his needs and he got to the point where he could handle a few one on one sessions and even a couple of seminars with me.
He moved from a two out of ten to a six out of ten in his healing but then he plateaued. He stopped. He couldn’t make any further progress. 
I knew from my former experience as a holistic chiropractor, and now as a coach, that the people who are the most unhappy and miserable are those who only worry about themselves.  When you have something bigger than yourself to live for, when you are passionate about something inspiring, and when you love others, you are always much happier.
I also know that love heals.  It brings balance and calmness into our bodies.  
For me, love is not an emotion, it’s your very essence.
What lives in your heart is love, gratitude, inspiration, and wisdom.  These aren’t emotions.  They are states of being.
I told the family they needed to start teaching their son about love so he would get out of his head and into his heart. 
I knew that the only state he could use to activate his heart was love because he had no access to the other three.
By learning how to love he would get out of survival mode and be given a chance to thrive.
I suggested they tell him specifically how they loved him and how happy it would make them feel if they felt he loved them just as much. 
By doing this I hoped that it would touch him, activate his heart, and lead to deeper healing.

How would they do this? 

By framing what he was doing for them as an act of love, so he could make them feel his love. They started by having him do little things for them. In the past, even though they were doing so much for him, they always had to ask him, over and over again, to get him to do anything. He would eventually do it but reluctantly. 

I told them to frame all requests through the lens that it would make them so happy to feel that he loved them too. He did not have to do huge things …but he could do something.  

That’s when everything changed BIG time.

Within a month he started to do things around the house without being asked. For the first time, he left the house on his own and went to his favorite place, Ikea.  He began helping his father paint the house.  

Very quickly, and I mean very quickly, all of them, and I mean all of them, felt love blossoming and felt like he was becoming normal. And that feeling actually brought tears to their eyes.
His condition was a two out of ten when he initially saw me and now it’s an eight out of ten. And he is so wonderfully impacting the entire family. 
Then last week came the big announcement – he was going to start looking for an apartment! 

This is the power of coming from the heart and one of the most powerful ways I know to co-create Heaven on Earth.


More information on Dr. Lise’s fabulous work which I’ve experienced many times:

Dr Lise Janelle D.C. PCC
Human Potential Expert
Founder of the Centre For Heart Living & Global Heart Living Movement
Creator of the Heart Freedom Method

Speaker, author of Conversation with the Heart and You Are Loved
Co-author with Jack Canfield of Unstuck

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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

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