A Father’s Enduring Love

Dear Heaven Maker:

Twenty years ago my dear friend, and brother-from-another-mother, Raymond Aaron began a yearly ritual.

Beginning on the day his daughter Emma was born, Raymond put together thoughts, letters and keep-sakes, into a large brown paper envelope, sealed it, and placed it lovingly into a large blue cardboard box.

And every year since her birth, on Emmas’ birthday, Raymond has done the same thing and added that year’s sealed envelope to the blue box.

Emma just celebrated her 19th birthday and again Raymond wrote some heart felt words about love and values and other important things that he wanted to gift her. And then again, he added this year’s envelope to the blue box.

Next year, 2021, he will do the same thing.

But…in 2022 something different will happen!

In 2022, Emma will be 21 years old. She will reach the age of majority, she will enter into her full adulthood…and…she will get to read everything that is in all the envelopes.

I saw this video of Raymond putting in this year’s envelope and I was so deeply moved. It was such a Heaven on Earth moment.

I knew I had to share it with you and Raymond gave me his permission.

Watch how he does it. Feel his energy as he does it. Experience all the envelopes already in the blue box.

Raymond has two daughters, Juli-Ann, who has already passed her 21st birthday, and Emma. So, in total, his has been a 40 year ritual of his life.

What kind of yearly ritual can you do for your children, your spouse, your grandparents, your grandchildren, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, close friends?

Come up with a yearly ritual that will deeply acknowledge the presence in your life of those you deeply love.

Thank you Raymond for being a Heaven Maker.



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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

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