What the Faith and Spiritual Traditions are Saying

Dear Heaven Maker:

Several weeks ago my blog was about a woman who was studying for her PhD at Maharishi University.

I remembered hearing years ago that the Maharishi was very interested in Heaven on Earth, so I Googled it.

In 1960, John Davies, a reporter with the London Telegraph newspaper interviewed him and asked “The object is to create a Heaven on Earth is it?” This video is the Maharishi’s response.

What about the other Faith or Spiritual traditions? What do they say?

I subscribe to Google Alert. It gives me a free daily report on where the phrase “Heaven on Earth” is showing up, in English, globally. Over the last several months I’ve noticed several references to what leaders and writers from different faith traditions are now saying.


“Church leaders must learn to listen to their faithful and to anyone who comes knocking at the door, he said. “Because heaven on earth is what every person who draws close to the church is looking for, nothing else.”                                                                                                                                 – The Pope (reference here)    

“The intention of God is not that he takes believers to heaven. His intention is believers — he wants to help them to bring heaven on earth, so that as we live here, we can begin enjoying heaven here.”
– Archbishop Justin Badi Arama of South Sudan (reference here)


“Remember Shabbat [the Sabbath] to make it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) … But isn’t Shabbat only once a week? The mitzvah [commandment] to remember Shabbat can be done daily. Setting aside special food or outfits, inviting guests, and planning the festive meals can all be done for the honor of Shabbat. Make Shabbat the center of the week rather than the finish line. Shabbat is a taste of Olam Habah, the world to come. This remembrance reminds us we can live there all the time, experiencing Heaven on Earth.
– Sam Glaser (reference here)


“According to Hinduism, the heart is the connecting link between the heaven and the earth.” 
– Ratna Vira (reference here)


“Does Buddhism Believe In Heaven? – Buddhism is a very vast religion, with millions of followers. The main point of this religion is this earthly life. Therefore, Buddhists reject the idea of an afterlife, heaven or hell. So the answer to the question Does Buddhism Believe In Heaven? Is no. Buddhists don’t believe in the proper meaning of the word heaven. As a place where our spirit go after death.

Instead, they place heaven on earth, in this physical life. They consider it a state of mind.”
– Spiritual Experience (reference here)


“Once you feel what it means to live in a state of bliss, you will love it. You will know that Heaven on Earth is truth — that Heaven truly exists. This way of life is possible and it’s in your hands. Moses called it the Promised Land, Buddha called it Nirvana, Jesus called it Heaven, and the Toltecs call it a New Dream.”                                                                                                          – don Miguel Ruiz                                                                                                                                                         The Four Agreements

New Spiritual Thought

“We create exclusively in accordance with our Heart — we become the co-creators of the universe and are in the flow of Life. We know our power transforms the world. Our positive feelings, thoughts, and actions clear negativity and pollution. We envision peace on Earth. We align with others with the same vision. We give birth to the future and create Heaven on Earth.”                                                                                                                                                                 – Silvana Maria Pagani
Founder, Ministry of Angels

A Multi-Faith TV series

There’s also been a TV series called Heaven on Earth which looked at Heaven on Earth through the eyes of:  JudaismChristianityPaganismBuddhismHinduism, Islam and Sikhism.


If you’d like more references, I devote an entire chapter in my book Project Heaven on Earth (available on Amazon) to what 15 different faith traditions, from Baha’i to Zoroastrianism, say about Heaven on Earth.  


What does your faith or spiritual tradition say about Heaven on Earth?  Let me know.

Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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