Tell me a time when the embodiment of love created a miracle in your life…

Dear Heaven Maker:

Several months ago a woman named Kristin van Tilburg, whom I’d never met, wrote asking if I’d like to be on her webinar.  

She gave me her phone number and suggested we speak.

I’ve been asked to be on many, many webinars…but…this one was very different.

First of all, the title of the webinar: Embodied LOVE 2.0 Your Holiday Miracle Adventure.

Kristin wanted the people she interviewed to answer just one question:  

Tell me a time when the embodiment of love created a miracle in your life.

What a powerful, engaging question.  She wanted to interview all kinds of people asking them that one simple yet very profound question.  There are 44 people she got to answer that question, sometimes with more than one story, for a total of 60 short 10 minute interviews.

(Go here for more info.) I was instantly hooked and said yes I would participate.  

And there’s more.

Kristin was ‘guided’ by Spirit to do this project. She had no prior experience in doing a webinar. She had no technical expertise. She didn’t know a lot of people she could ask this question of. And yet….she jumped in with both feet. (Go here for more info.)

And there’s more.

Most webinars of this type give you one free day of listening to interviews but if you want a recording of all the days you have to pay. Not for Kristin. She is making no money from this. This is purely a labor of love for her, a way to contribute.   

And she also came up with a unique way to increase her contribution.  If you want all the recordings so you can watch them on demand, she asks you to make a donation to one of three charities:  St. Judes Children’s Hospital; Convoy of Hope; National Forest Foundation. I’ve never heard of anyone doing something like that for a webinar. (Go here for more info.)

And there’s still more.

Kristin decided to present this webinar when no one else does, from December 24th to January 4th…a time period when the cheer of the holiday season sometimes falls flat for some people or when it’s not as joyful as its supposed to be.  Of course this time period might also be one of joy in which case listening to the miracles will enhance the entire 12 days. (Go here for more info.) [Due to a glitch, this blog is going out today…my apologies…but you can still get most of the webinar by signing up now.]

I had the honour of being one of the 44 people interviewed and as you watch each of the sample interviews above you’ll see some of the other participants sharing their miracles.

I invite you to partake in this buffet of miracles, this smorgasbord of inspiration.

Sign up here, for free.

I look forward to having you join all 44 of us for 60 interviews over 12 days!



Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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