A world first: Dehradun, India: A Heaven on Earth City! 🇮🇳

Dear Heaven Maker:

Several weeks ago I got an interview request from the editor of The Dehradun Street, an on-line newspaper in Dehradun, India.

I’d never heard of Dehradun. I looked it up and found that it’s in the north-west of the country.

The editor of the paper, Suraj Kumar, sent me a list of questions to answer, which I did.

We then set up a time to speak on Zoom about Heaven on Earth.

We spoke at great length about his city, about India, and about Heaven on Earth.

And then, it hit me, and I asked him, “Suraj, would you be willing to have Dehradun be the first Heaven on Earth city in the world?”

He loved the idea and said an enthusiastic, “Yes!”

I then asked him to write up what “Dehradun: A Heaven on Earth City” meant to him.

He did a fabulous write up and turned that into a full page editorial in his paper.

You can read it here  (scroll down to page 2).

Thank you Suraj for your bold leadership.  You are a Heaven Maker.

Suraj and Dehradun have now joined others who have declared their nation, their province, & their continent, to be Heaven on Earth!

My intention is that all these people and their declarations inspire you.


My country is a Heaven on Earth Nation


Video Interview
Wiki page


DenmarkVideo Interview
Article (in Danish)

DominicaVideo Interview 

Facebook Page

My Province is a Heaven on Earth Province
Prince Edward Island, CanadaVideo Interviews

AFRICA: A Heaven on Earth Continent
Video Interview

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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

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