Be Good to Yourself

Dear Heaven Maker:

We’re riding on a storm tossed sea with waves of fear, waves of political fighting, waves of raging wildfires, and waves of infections of many kinds.

I’ve been looking at what I can do.

1) End my Addiction to Internet News

It was taking up way too much time. I was spiraling down into an endless black hole of bad news. It wasn’t nurturing me in any way.

Here’s my plan. No news until 5pm and then a maximum of 47 minutes. I chose that number because it’s one of my favorite numbers and it’s easy for me to remember. I do want to know what’s going on in the world, but as information, not as addiction.

A maximum of 17 minutes a day on YouTube.

I’m not a FaceBook reader nor a Twitter reader so they are of no concern to me.

October 1st was day 1 of Internet News Sobriety, and I feel a new lease on life.

And, I’m making this public because I’m asking for your support in this.

If you’ve got an addiction consider dramatically reducing it or eliminating it.

2) Being Nourished Through the Arts

The arts are an antidote to the surface insanity of these times. I’m filling my life with more Soul enriching and Soul nurturing from the arts.

• I’m reading a wonderful book called The Ten Thousand Things by Robert Saltzman. FABULOUS. One of The Best consciousness books I’ve ever read. I don’t know Robert and I was not asked to promote his book.

  • I’ve discovered this amazing Russian boys choir – The Choir of Boys of the Choir School by I.M.I. Glinka (from St. Petersburg, Russia). Their sound is transcendent. It lifts my Soul. (Fast forward to 0:47 of the video).

Action Steps You Can Take:

1) See if you have an addiction you want to eliminate and then start to eliminate it, today. Do it one day at a time. That makes it much easier.

Then do a running total. Day 1, then Day 2, then Day 3 and so on. This will give you a sense of winning, not the addiction winning.

2) Nurture yourself through the arts. Put arts that nourish you – visual arts, music, poetry, literature – into your life every day.

These two actions are very powerful antidotes to the Sea of Un-tranquility and they will put you back on the Sea of Tranquility.



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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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