AFRICA: A HEAVEN ON EARTH CONTINENT!….Facebook Live this Tuesday, Feb. 9

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Dear Heaven Maker:

Charles Tchoreret is originally from the African country of Gabon. He left when he was 21, has worked all around the world, and now lives in Montreal, Canada. For decades he’s had a deep Soul longing to do something for his beloved Africa.

He knew something had to change; a new leadership for a new future had to emerge. In a seminar I lead a couple of years ago, I asked the participants to stand up and share something they wanted that was “bigger than themselves.” Charles stood up and told everyone that he wanted to unleash the power and magnificence of his home continent. He declared, “AFRICA: A Heaven on Earth Continent!”

I was amazed. I loved it. He immediately enrolled me and since that time, Charles, I, and others have been working on this project.

This Tuesday, February 9th at 3pm Eastern, noon Pacific, and 9pm Central European Time, Charles and I will be talking about AFRICA: A Heaven on Earth Continent, on Facebook live.
This is part of his on-going series, The New African Conversation. We’ll be dialoguing on:

  • Why has AFRICA been held back?
  • AFRICA’S colonial past.
  • Is AFRICA only good for the resources in its ground?
  • What’s needed to make AFRICA: A HEAVEN ON EARTH CONTINENT!?

Please come join us and be inspired. The broadcast is free and you’ll have a chance to ask us questions. I love partnering with Charles in his evolutionary commitment!  I look forward to seeing you this Tuesday, February 9th, 3pm Eastern, noon Pacific, and 9pm European Central, on Facebook live.


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Martin Rutte

Founder, Project Heaven on Earth

I invite you to grab your copy of Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily.

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