Dear Heaven Maker:
At 12:05am this past Wednesday, January 01, 2020, I went to Google on my computer (this doesn’t work on a phone) and typed: “Heaven on Earth” 2018.
The number of results: 6,160,000.
Then I typed in, “Heaven on Earth” 2019 and the number of results: 11,200,000.
From 2018 to 2019, “Heaven on Earth” jumped 81.8%!
This very significant increase is because of you and countless other people all around the world. It’s all of us creating Heaven on Earth contributions that are direct expressions of our Soul’s desire to have our world be Heaven on Earth.
It’s all of us co-creating the new story of what it means to be a Human and what it means to be Humanity – Heaven on Earth.
So thank you, thank you, thank you.
I celebrate you and our co-creators all around the world.
Physicists call what happened a ‘Phase Change.’
Imagine you have water at 33 degrees Fahrenheit and you continuously add more heat. The water goes from 33 all the way up to 211 and nothing appears to be happening. Then all of a sudden the water reaches 212 degrees and BANG…it boils…and the water becomes steam.
That’s what I feel happened in 2019 – a Phase Change occurred with Heaven on Earth. We’ve jumped to the next level.
We’ve all been taking our steps toward Heaven on Earth, over and over again, and look at the RESULT.
I’ll say it again: 2019 had 81.8% more Heaven on Earth results than 2018.
What we’ve all been hoping for, longing for, is actually happening.
If you also look at the graph above you’ll see the growth.
You can also see how on every decade, ie. 1900, 1910, 1920, etc, there is a jump. People look back at the past decade and forward to the possibilities of the new decade. They’re more open to thinking about Heaven on Earth. This was especially true in 2,000 as we ended both a century and a millennium…notice the jump that year.
I expect 2020 to show much more than a 81.8% growth over 2019. (I typed in “Heaven on Earth” 2020 and the results were 1,560,000. We are already at 13.9% of 2019’s total.)
Please send this blog to your friends, colleagues and family. Let them see what’s happening. Let them see that this new thought form, this new meme, is really entering the collective culture.
Let me know your reaction and their reaction.
Again: Thank You!, Thank You!, Thank You! for what you have contributed and continue to contribute to making this happen.
Heaven on Earth has moved from a good idea, to a possibility, to an emerging global reality.
And as this momentum continues growing, watch for new expressions of Heaven on Earth to show up.
Here’s my intention:
In 2020…Project Heaven on Earth Goes Mainstream Globally!
The Tipping Point for Heaven on Earth is seen, felt and known.
When my wife Maida read this she put it into her words:
My dream for this new decade is that the reality that we can actually create Heaven on our planet touches the heart of every human and ignites our collective creative spirit.
What’s your intention for Heaven on Earth? Write it down and send it to me.
With thanks,
PS: Also, in 2015 there was a major jump. I don’t have any idea why that happened…do you?